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Assalamulaikum good reader, long time not write in this blog. Btw kali ini gak post pake bahasa inggris kok hehehe. Okay guys, kali ini mari kita membahas tentang hal-hal yang ingin kita lakukan di masa depan. Sebelumnya saya sudah mem-posting mengenai 100 wishes yang ingin saya lakukan dan capai. Kalau kalian kepo mengenai hal tersebut jangan lupa klik artikelnya ya hehehe. Saran saya sih wajib baca wkwkwk. Ngomong-ngomong tentang mencapai yang ingin kita lakukan tentu saja diperlukan kerja keras untuk mewujudkannya kan?   bicara hal tersebut, saya jadi teringat salah satu quotes dari Chairil tanjung yang merupakan seorang CEO Transcorp yang mana beliau mengatakan bahwa “ selain kerja keras, hal lain yang harus diingat adalah kerja ikhlas. Setelah itu, baru menyerahkan segala hasil kerja keras pada Tuhan”. Dari kutipan tersebut kita dapat memetik pelajaran, yang mana dalam mengerjakan sesuatu selain berusaha dengan keras dan giat kita juga harus bekerja dengan ikhl...
Postingan terbaru

100 wishes

assalamualaikum guys, hemm today i will share my wishes. 1. Umrah with extended family 2. Graduation on time 3. Getting cumlaude 4. Have scientific papers 5. Participate in international seminars outside Kalimantan 6. Take professional education 7. Travel to Malang 8. Go to Brunei Darussalam 9. Become a teacher 10. Get a scholarship s2 11. Continue s2 12. Have a bookstore 13. Have an Indonesian food restaurant 14. Have a garden behind the house 15. Have a fish pond at home 16. Open an English course 17. Buy a new laptop 18. Buy a bicycle 19. Buy a motorbike 20. Have your own home 21. Go to Turkey 22. Have a husband who understands religion 23. Travel with family to Singapore 24. Buy new shoes 25. Buy unique foods 26. Have a flower garden 27. Buy a new cellphone 28. Have a private karaoke room 29. Have a private gym 30. Join a volleyball club 31. Lose weight 32. Have clothing convection 33. Learn to cook 34. Play in t...


Assalamualaikum guys. Long time not see you my lovely readers upss i mean long time not write in my blog hehehe. Because i am enjoying my holidays,   I must take a break to write. How about you, do you enjoy your holiday ?            In this holiday, i am coming home after around four months live away from house. it was quite liberating. When i am in my home, I think that the miracle happened in my life in spite of the fact, almost of the courses that i have taken in this semester unfinished . the fact that I am coming home is pleasant. It is pleasant to spend the last days of ramadhan with my family. I am enjoying the atmosphere of ramadhan in my village and it is really different when i am in Palangka Raya. I don’t know why it can be happen but I really feel that the context of fasting in my village is better than in Palangka Raya. May be because of all my family, i fell more enjoyable   so that i think fasting in my village ...


Assalamualaikum  my lovely reader.  Is not long time to us meet with ramdhan.  Welcome Ramadhan. Ramadhan is a special month for all muslim in this world, and also Iam as the muslims. Who is far, will be close and who is tired, will be back, because ramadhan will unite us. As a student who is far from parents, or big family, I feel dissapointed because can’t gather with them in my hometown. This is the second year that I can’t spend my ramadhan time in my hometown. Last year, around of a week before ied fitri, I just could go home because some of my subject in the college still didn’t finish. I went home alone without my friends because they had been going home before me. I thought about how I can spend my time here, again. I open fasting with the food that I cook alone. There are no food which is cooked by my mother, there is no father who accompany me to kill the time before magribh, or there is no young brother who shout that he is hungry. I miss all the momen...

Roasted corn

Assalamualaikum my lovely reader tonight is raining in my city, how about yours ? it is also raining or not. In this post i will talk about the one food that’s really perfect to eat when a rainy day. So let’s read my story until the end. In this evening, I and my friend decided to buy roasted corn. Actually i and she was have a plan to buy it on four days ago at the time when we arrived at the stall, the roasted corn has sold out. This occasion made us disappointed, so we’ve decided to turn back again in this evening. After we arrived at the stall, we immediately order three roasted corns. Two of the corns is spicy, and the other is sweet. A short time later is heard from the mosque of the adzan Maghrib while our corns are not ready cooked. So we decided to back home and pray maghrib at my boarding house because the stall is not far from it. After maghrib prayer, we back again to take our roasted corns but it is raining so we used an umbrella to go there. The umbrella that is u...


Asslamualaikum my faithful reader back again with me. Today is Friday, and every Friday i must do scout activity because in this semester all of 2017 grade should join in scout at my campus. In my opinion, scout makes me happy because in scout we shouldn’t study seriously. Scout is a place where the children and adults play together without   thinking about their ages. but it i s not for my friend. My friend is really dislike s cout. Actually, she is a s cout girl from elementary school until senior high school, but when she was join scout at my campus, she started dislike it. I don’t know why she feels like that, maybe scout makes she busier because in this semester we have a lot of important courses that need more attention from us .   The other reason why i know that my friend doesn’t like scout is from the event when we went to the Sabaru campground for 3 days. I was really happy there, but my friend was getting sick because of her gastritis. There were ma...

broken heart

assalamualaikum my dear reader, how are you ? i hope that you are always happy and healthy. i wish you are not tired to read my posting. Tonight, i will share a story about broken heart. Have you ever been feel broken heart ? Actually i don’t know what   broken heart is because i never feel it in my life. But even someone asked me about what is broken heart ? i always said “Broken heart is a feeling that can make someone irrational”. Why i said like that, because in my life i often saw my friends being irrational when they have broken heart. They are often crying in class and lose their focus   also other behavior that is very different with their daily behavior.         Once time, someone told me what she f elt s about broken heart. She said that it is hurt like someone is squeezing her heart. I know that she   not lie to me. I found her when she was crying while reciting Qur'an. She said that she got a wedding invitation from a man ...