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100 wishes

assalamualaikum guys, hemm today i will share my wishes.

1. Umrah with extended family
2. Graduation on time
3. Getting cumlaude
4. Have scientific papers
5. Participate in international seminars outside Kalimantan
6. Take professional education
7. Travel to Malang
8. Go to Brunei Darussalam
9. Become a teacher
10. Get a scholarship s2
11. Continue s2
12. Have a bookstore
13. Have an Indonesian food restaurant
14. Have a garden behind the house
15. Have a fish pond at home
16. Open an English course
17. Buy a new laptop
18. Buy a bicycle
19. Buy a motorbike
20. Have your own home
21. Go to Turkey
22. Have a husband who understands religion
23. Travel with family to Singapore
24. Buy new shoes
25. Buy unique foods
26. Have a flower garden
27. Buy a new cellphone
28. Have a private karaoke room
29. Have a private gym
30. Join a volleyball club
31. Lose weight
32. Have clothing convection
33. Learn to cook
34. Play in the playground to your heart's content
35. Have a villa in Bogor
36. Make a kos-kosan
37. Donors of orphanages
38. Travel to Japan
39. Have a boarding house
40. Have a cake shop
41. Have your own rice fields
42. Have a youtube channel
43. Have a seafood restaurant
44. Have an online clothing business
45. Hajj with parents
46. ​​Have oil palm plantations
47. Have a coconut garden
48. Have sapodilla garden
49. Have an orange garden
50. Have a rubber garden
51. Have a chicken farm
52. Have a duck farm
53. Have a cattle farm
54. Have a goat farm
55. Have a fish pond
56. Has a sandpaper factory
57. Have a wet cracker factory
58. Have a green coconut oil factory
59. Continue s3
60. Become a lecturer
61. Build a mosque
62. Build orphanages
63. Build a nursing home
64. Have a den building wallet
65. Go to Istanbul
66. Have a rabbit farm
67. Have a café
68. Have a workshop
69. Have a prayer room at home
70. Have a private library
71. Become a translater
72. Become a novel writer
73. Buy a car
74. Have your own playground
75. Can swim
76. Going to the Netherlands
77. Go to paris
78. Go to Egypt
79. Have an indoor pool
80. Have a private island
81. Learn to play the guitar
82. Buy a guitar
83. Have a dslr camera
84. Have a photo studio
85. Have an ice cream shop
86. Have a Muslim clothing store
87. Have a grocery store
88. Have a shoe store
89. Have a complete kitchen set
90. Have resorts in Bali and Lombok
91. Have wood furniture
92. Have a rattan business
93. Have a wedding organizer
94. Have cosmetic products
95. Have a mini market
96. Travel to Jogja
97. Have a gazebo
98. Learn piano
99. Buy a piano
100. Have children hafidz Al-Qur'an


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