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Happy Heroes Day

assalamualaikum, my beloved reader. 

Yesterday, we were celebrating the heroes day. Talk about heroes, I also have the heroes in my life. Those are my parents. They are the most important hero to me.
The first hero is my mother. My mother was a women who risked her life when she gave birth to me. She is the only women who has always admired my work so that I won’t be discouraged. My mother is a person whom I admire  tremendously. She loves  and cares to me without asking. She gives me generously of her time, and do all that she can to comfort me when I sad and also makes me happy. She is the women who always listens to my story and when I am any kind of trouble, I seek help and solace from her. My mother is the person whom knows me more then others, therefore she can advise me best. My mother is the person who will never let me down. My mother is amazing. That’s why she is my hero.
The other important hero in my life is my father. My father is the best person I have ever seen in my life. If there is someone from whom I can learn everything it is my father. My father is the person who takes care of his family very well. He is the man that keenly watches and tries to know even the smallest wishes we have. He tries to fulfill our needs on time. My father is the  man who motivates me and keeps me going, even when i want to give up. He is there for me when I don’t want to try anymore and he always keeps me going. I always happy when I see my father. If there could be an example for the best father in the world , it is my father. Of all the heroes in the world, my father is at the top of list.
They are the real heroes been willing to sacrifice for my happiness and there are always been there for me. I love them so much. Okay it is about my hero in my life. How about you guys. Who is the hero in your life ?. And the last “Happy Heroes Day”.


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